As you may have heard, on July 19th, Campus Crusade for Christ announced that they are changing their name to Cru. This has been met with much attention from the media, some of it good, some of it bad. Caleb and I wanted to clarify the reason for this name change.
First, let me assure you, this name-change process, which began two years ago, has been bathed in prayer and careful research. Secondly, we are not removing Christ from our name in an attempt to be politically correct.
There were two problematic words in Campus Crusade for Christ: campus, and crusade. Although we started as a college ministry, our scope has expanded far beyond the college campus. Having the term “Campus” in our name was confusing, and many adults looked at the name and thought, “Oh, this ministry doesn’t really apply to me.” Crusade is a dated term and actually hindered us from spreading our ministry overseas. It became clear that these 2 words were confusing people and actually creating barriers to them hearing more about Christ. For this reason, CCC decided to choose a new name that would better engage people in our mission to take the gospel to the world.
Cru is not a new term to our ministry. Since the 90’s, many of our college ministries have called themselves Cru. When the name was tested during the research process, people absolutely loved it. We are so excited by this name change! We think it will communicate in a more relevant way, and will encourage more people to partner with us to reach the world for Christ. Many are asking, “What does Cru stand for?” In the same way that Google and Starbucks don’t stand for anything, Cru doesn’t stand for anything. When you hear Starbucks you think coffee because the company has poured meaning into the name. Our hope is that a similar thing will happen with Cru: that when people hear it they will think of an organization of loving people committed to telling others about Christ.
Our mission is the same.
Our commitment to reaching college students is the same.
Our passion and our desire to tell everyone everywhere about Christ is the same.